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What is Blockchain and DeFi Solutions for Traditional Finance

Decentralised finance (DeFi) is the latest and arguably one of the most vital disruptions by blockchain technology. As the traditional finance sector continues to struggle with deep-rooted security and transparency issues, more and more organisations are asking what is blockchain and how it can revolutionise financial institutions and systems.

An Overview of DeFi

In 2018, 15 Ethereum-based initiatives joined forces to build a blockchain-powered, secure, and independent financial system outside of the current financial sector. This gave birth to decentralised finance, led by Paradigm, MakerDao, Origin Protocol and other early proponents.

The ultimate aim of DeFi is to create a permissionless, open-source, and transparent ecosystem of financial applications. Unlike traditional finance, no central authority controls DeFi. Instead, users have total control over their assets through decentralised applications (dapps) and peer-to-peer (P2P) services.

Advantages of DeFi

DeFi’s open financial system provides full access to financial products and services, especially for individuals who are isolated from traditional finance. Since DeFi operates within the public blockchain market, it can also pave the way for brand-new financial products, services, and markets.

DeFi’s critical advantages over present finance systems include:

  • Interoperability and Open Source

The blockchain system encourages the sharing of information and processes between software developers, thus expanding collaboration opportunities.

  • Inclusion

More than 1.7 billion people in the world are considered “unbanked,” which means they do not have access to vital financial offerings, such as business loans, insurance, and mortgages. DeFi will democratise the financial sector and remove these barriers.

  • Transparency

Decentralised finances do not allow institutions and governments to restrict information. Instead, all participants in a blockchain network have equal access to the data, reducing the risk of censorship and misleading users in financial matters.

What Is Blockchain for Finance: Top Use Cases of DeFi

Decentralised finance can solve many problems that hold back today’s financial sector. The following stand out as some of the top use cases for DeFi:

  • Banking Services

Traditional banks still struggle to reach many parts of the world. With DeFi, groups and individuals will only need their mobile devices to access banking products and services no matter where they are in the world. The technology can phase out all geographical barriers related to financial services.

  • Creativity in Financial Service and Products

The world’s largest financial organisations tend to stick with traditional products, limiting the possibilities of innovation. DeFi’s open-source nature is a powerful tool for creating new financial derivatives, swaps products, and futures that are out of reach for conventional financial institutions.

  • Elimination of Restrictions and Censorships

Another major advantage of DeFi is its ability to circumvent oppressive restrictions and censorship that make it difficult to make transactions across borders. People will be able to send and receive money over DeFi without fearing privacy violations, government restrictions, and other forms of censorship.

Key Coin Assets: Your Guide to the Emerging DeFi Market

Decentralised finance is the future of the financial sector. It envisions a world with no economic borders and empowers individuals to take control of their assets instead of allowing central entities to control it for them.

Explore and invest in DeFi’s unlimited possibilities with Key Coin Assets, your trusted digital asset management company. Contact us NOW at 843-886-9547 and start to invest in yourself!